I have a list a mile long to get done between now and mid-December. But I couldn't resist signing up for Shawnee's Secret Santa Swap!
This is what I have to come up with by December 7th at the latest - for someone I do not know:
I'm excited to put something fun together and excited to see what I get in return. Below is the questionnaire I had to fill out.
This is what I have to come up with by December 7th at the latest - for someone I do not know:
At LEAST One Handmade Item
Something to Read (book, magazine, poem)
Something for the Tree (garland, ornament, topper, skirt)
Holiday Goody (candy, cocoa, tea, coffee, chocolate)
Challenge: Include one gift for each letter needed to spell out a word from the season (SNOW, JOY, FAITH, LOVE, HOPE, GIFT, TREE, JESUS, STAR, SANTA, etc). We did this last year and it was SO MUCH FUN! Of course, the perfect gift for an "A" is an APRON.
Then, make this a special box -- gift wrapping, bows, the whole nine yards! Include a note identifying yourself with your email and blog address so your partner can contact you with her grateful thanks.
I'm excited to put something fun together and excited to see what I get in return. Below is the questionnaire I had to fill out.

- What are your hobbies? Quilting
- What are your favorite colors? I love most everything except purple and pastel colors. More of bold/bright or natural is my thing.
- Do you collect anything? no, other than fabric and patterns, lol.
- Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? no
- Do you have any pets? 2 cats
- Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate? tea (mint) and chocolate
- What do you like to read? anything good that isn't too heavy/dark/disturbing. historical fiction and some sci-fi fantasy if it isn't too weird. I also love quilting/sewing project books. I have a wish list on the sidebar of my blog.
- Do you prefer Cookies or Candies as a sweet? either - I have a major sweet tooth. dark chocolate over milk and white for sure
- What is your favorite holiday treat? All of them. I love brittle, but it's too hard on my teeth.
- Describe your favorite holiday tradition. the first Christmas we were married hubby and I got each other an ornament. We've done it every year since (this will be our 12th) and now we include getting one for each of our boys. I love unwrapping them every year and looking at what we've given each other. Some years they have to do with something from that year - a trip or something special from the year. I love the idea that in 50 years we'll have a tree filled with gifts to one another.
- Did you believe in Santa as a child? yes
- When do you open presents? Christmas morning
- Do you put up a tree and when? If not, how do you celebrate? yes, first weekend in December
- Does your tree have a theme? no - it's a total hodge podge, but most ornaments have a story
- What has been your favorite gift to give? to receive? I can't think of anything specific. to give - I love to give homemade gifts. to receive - anything that took some thought - oh and fabric!